Commercial Loan Process

  • Step 1: Pre-Approval

    The pre-approval or qualifying process helps us understand your business so we can provide the best financing options for you.

  • Step 2: Application

    After the pre-approval or qualifying process, the business will complete and submit a loan application. In the application, financial statements or similar documents dating back at least three years are required.

  • Step 3: Review

    Review of Application has two phases:

    1. Review by Commercial Loan Officer.
    2. Review by Loan Underwriter and Loan Committee.
  • Step 4: Term Sheet

    Once the application is approved, our processor will present the company with a term sheet. After reviewing the term sheet and signing a letter of intent, payment may be required for third-party reports, e.g., appraisal reports.

  • Step 5: Loan package and closing documents

    Upon completion of third-party reports, the complete loan application package is resubmitted to the loan underwriter for final approval. When approved, the business is required to sign finalized loan documents.


Ready to begin the Pre-Approval step? Submit the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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